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White Pepper Powder

SKU: 890130428800 Category:
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White Pepper Seeds

White pepper consists of only the inner seed of the pepper berry, with the pericarp removed. To make white pepper, the berry is picked fully ripe. Its outer shrunken skin is rubbed off, exposing the dried, greyish-white pepper inside. This white pepper is dried and sold commercially, in whole and powdered forms.

White pepper – and hence, its powder – has a milder, more delicate flavour than black pepper because it contains lesser piperine, the volatile oil that gives pepper its characteristic flavour. It is useful for adding a peppery flavour to light-coloured sauces and soups. White pepper is preferred in Europe, especially France, and is also popular in Japan.

Usage: White pepper powder is widely used in Asian cuisines and is a must-have in an Asian kitchen. It has a sharp, spicy, and smoky flavor that is perfect for adding a clean and light spiciness without being too overwhelming. It is spicier and fruitier, but is less complex, than black pepper. Finely ground white pepper is commonly used in Chinese or Asian cuisine and is is one of the key ingredients in the famous hot and sour soup.

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