9449838534 dhrutimasala@gmail.com
Black pepper is the fruit of the black pepper plant from the Piperaceae family and is used as both, a spice and medicine. The chemical piperine, present in black pepper, causes the spiciness. It is native to Kerala, the southern state of India. Since ancient times, black pepper is one of the most widely-traded spices in the world. It is not a seasonal plant and is, therefore, available throughout the year. When dried, this plantderived spice is referred to as a peppercorn. Because of its antibacterial properties, pepper is used to preserve food. Black pepper is also a very good anti-inflammatory agent.
Usage: After salt, pepper is the most frequently used spice in the world. It is an ingredient that is found in almost every savory (not as many sweet) recipes and it can be found on every dinner table in America. Most cuisines from around the world use peppercorns in one or more of their colors/forms in their food. India, for example, uses black peppercorns profusely. It is an important ingredient in India’s spice blend called ‘garam masala’ as well as many Indian food recipes.