9449838534 dhrutimasala@gmail.com
Amchoor or aamchur or amchur, also referred to as mango powder, is a fruity spice powder made from dried unripe green mangoes and is used as a citrusy seasoning. It is mostly produced in India and Pakistan, and is used to flavor foods and add the nutritional benefits of mangoes when the fresh fruit is out of season.
India is known for its exotic spices since the ancient times. These spices are mostly used for flavoring or tempering cooked food. If you know the better uses of Indian spices, you can be more creative with them and use them in your daily life for making your food to taste better. Amchur or Amchur Powder, which is also referred as mango powder, is one of the Indian fruity spices powder that is made from dried unripe green mangoes. Amchur powder is usually used when the mangoes are out of season, to add flavor and nutritional benefits of mangoes to the foods and drinks. It is soury yet sweet to taste. Tart pale beige to brownish in colour, it is used to add tanginess to the dishes and can be used as a substitute of lemon.